Stettler Town and Country Museum is a permanent, non-profit, registered Society, located on ten acres within the Town of Stettler. This pioneer village is open seasonally (May 1 to September), 7 days a week from 10 am – 5:00 pm, and open in the off-season from Monday to Friday 10 am – 3 pm, with events happening year-round.
Stettler Town and Country Museum, acquires, conserves, researches, records, exhibits, and communicates findings to benefit education or enjoyment, so that all may view the evidence of how early pioneers coped with their environment. All articles are held in trust for the benefit of this generation and future generations, respecting all cultural concerns.
- Initiate and or supervise, collect, and display artifacts that tell the history of our country and more specifically our district.
- Display these artifacts in the best possible way, ever bearing in mind the public viewing of the same
- Maintain public support by way of volunteers and contributions of artifacts and or the contributions of funds.
- Promote special functions – days to have more people visit the Museum and understand the purpose and extent of our Museum.
- Encourage school and children’s visits to the Museum so that they understand what happened in the years gone by.
- Take care of the property, buildings and artifacts that are the property of the Town of Stettler and the County of Stettler.