STETTLER ALBERTA CULTURE DAYS – September 14, 2024 10am – 5pm
Learn about the history and culture of Switzerland at the Stettler Museum. Artifact displays, Swiss Wrestling display, Yodelling performance, Cross Bow demonstration, Alphorn Performance, Swiss Bernese Mountain Dog Show, Swiss Miniature Golf, Games, Genealogy Class, Swiss food – Cervelat, Bratwurst and Raclette, Swiss hotdogs will be served with special features from Swiss Culture at the Stettler Museum.
Stettler Town and Country Museum
(6502 – 44 Avenue)
Open Daily 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Free Admission
BLAST FROM THE PAST – coming shortly!
Night of Terror at the Booseum
At the Stettler Museum, a 1908 Stettler School / Courthouse transforms into terror in October. A group of volunteers, choose a theme, decorate (change) the building into a fun-filled event ‘Night of Terror’! Yes, there is screaming plus more, and that is not from the volunteers. This dedicated group can put in 1000s of hours to create a change in the building so complete, that regular staff do not recognize the building. No waiting outside in the cold, stay in your vehicle until it’s your turn system in effect.